Sunday, October 31, 2010


'Do not all charms fly At the mere touch of cold philosophy?/ 
There was an awful rainbow once in heaven:/
 We know her woof, her texture; she is given/ 
In the dull catalogue of common things./ 
Philosophy will clip an Angel's wings,/ 
Conquer all mysteries by rule and line,/
 Empty the haunted air, and gnomed mine -/ 
Unweave a rainbow, as it erewhile made/ 
The tender-person'd Lamia melt into a shade.'


Friday, October 29, 2010


Empty, I echo to the least footfall,
Museum without statues, grand with pillars, porticoes, rotundas.
In my courtyard a fountain leaps and sinks back into itself,
Nun-hearted and blind to the world. Marble lilies
Exhale their pallor like scent.

I imagine myself with a great public,
Mother of a white Nike and several bald-eyed Apollos.
Insread, the dead injure me attentions, and nothing can happen.
Blank-faced and mum as a nurse.

Friday, October 22, 2010

love songs

...And then I said something.

Four words are.

And the rain spoke to us.

And now I'm here and I think I

will sing a love song.

I'll sing a love song.


Your sad part of life

My sad part of life

sell them

my love.

Cause now

We are together

I think

I will

Sing a song of love

I will sing songs of love…